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200 Hour Immersion: Adaptive Yoga For Essential Well Being
M1 Introduction to Program, Breath Centered Movement, Forward Bends and Backward Bends
Copy of M1_Section 1 - Welcome! (2:08)
M1_Section 1 - Manual Cover, Required and Recommended Reading List
M1_Section 1 - Complete Asana Index
M1_Section 1 - Introduction to the Course Pdf
M1_Section 1 - Introduction to the Program (17.31) (17:30)
M1_Section 1 - Models for Understanding Yoga and Self Slide Deck
M1_Section 1 - Models for Understanding Yoga and Self Lecture (25.27) (25:28)
M1_Section 1 - Beginners Guide to Breathing Slide Deck
M1_Section 1 - Beginners Guide to Breathing (24.16) (24:18)
M1_Section 1 - Sections of the Spine Video (9:08)
Quiz 1
M1_Section 2 - Developing Relationship to Structure - Introduction to the Poses
M1_Section 2 - Overview of the Yoga Sutras Slide Deck
M1_Section 2 - Overview of the Yoga Sutras Lecture (22:35)
PNF Article - The Science of Adaptive Movement
M1_Section 2 - How to Scribe Stick Figures (11.10) (12:07)
M1_Section 2 - Introduction to the Poses Scribed Classes
M1_Section 2 - Introduction to the Poses Classes (50.34) (54.00) (104:33)
M1_Section 2 - Introduction to the Chair Poses Scribed Classes
M1_Section 2 - Introduction to the Chair Poses Classes (32.16) (26.58) (59:18)
M1_Section 3 - Developing Relationship to Structure - FORWARD BENDS
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Intro Slide Deck
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Intro Lecture (12.28) (12:27)
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Asana Template
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Scribed Classes
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Classes (32.40) (40.47) (73:26)
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Asanas Scribed
M1_Section 3 - Forward Bends Asana Workshops (83:53)
M1_S4_Developing Relationship with Structure BACKWARD BENDS
M1_Section 4 - Backward Bends Intro Slide Deck
M1_Section 4 - Backward Bends Intro Lecture (11.15) (11:15)
M1_Section 4 - Backward Bends Template
M1_Section 4 - Backward Bends Scribed Classes
M1_Section 4 - Backward Bends Classes (41.07) (52.51) (93:58)
M1_Section 4 - Backward Bends Asana Workshops (64:15)
Module 2_Section 1 - Integration
Module 2_Section 1 - Integration Check List
Module 2_Section 1 - Integration Check Quiz
Module 2_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras Lecture Slide Deck
Module 2_Section 1 - Live Session Yoga Sutras July 18th 2020 10:00am - 12:00pm EST (57:12)
Module 2_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras Scribed Class
Module 2_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras Class OM (35:25)
Module 2_Section 1 - Pranayama 1 / Direction of Breath / GPS (25:43)
Elements of a Fully Integrated Practice
Module 2_Section 2 - Developing Relationship to Structure LATERAL BENDS
Module 2_Section 2 - Introduction to Lateral Bends Slide Deck
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bends Template
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bends Scribed Classes
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bends Classes (35.00) (0.00) (92:47)
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bends Asana Workshops Scribed Asanas
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bends Asana Workshops (45:32)
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bend Focused Chair Class Scribed PDF
Module 2_Section 2 - Lateral Bend Focused Chair Class (44:54)
Module 2_Section 3 - Developing Relationships to Structure TWISTS
Module 2_Section 3 - Introduction to Twists Slide Deck
Module 2_Section 3 - Introduction to Twists Lecture (15.10) (15:10)
Module 2_Section 3 - Twists Template
Module 2_Section 3 - Twists Scribed Classes
Module 2_Section 3 - Twists Classes (36.42) (33.13) (131:58)
Module 2_Section 3 - Twists Asana Workshops Scribed Asanas
Module 2_Section 3 - Twists Asana Workshops (96:40)
Module 2_Section 4 - Developing Relationship to Structure AXIAL EXTENSIONS
Module 2_Section 4 - Introduction to Axial Extension Lecture Slide Deck
Module 2_Section 4 - Introduction to Axial Extension Lecture (20.43) (20:44)
Module 2_Section 4 - Axial Extensions Template
Module 2_Section 4 - Axial Extensions Scribed Classes
Module 2_Section 4 - Axial Extensions Classes (1.05) (1.07) (133:10)
Module 2_Section 4 - Axial Extensions Scribed Asanas
Module 2_Section 4 - Axial Extensions Asana Workshops (60:23)
Module 3 - Developing Relationship to Structure - Integration, Leg and Arm Balances and Intro to SMART Sequencing!
Module 3_Section 1 - Integration Checklist
Module 3_ Section 1 - Integration Check Quiz
Module 3_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras 2 Slide Deck
Module 3_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras 2 Lecture (39:12)
Module 3_Section 1 - Your Ayurvedic Body Type Quiz and Lifestyle Sheets
Module 3_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras Scribed Class PDF
Module 3_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras Practice #2 Video (55:07)
Module 3_Section 1 - Live Session Held on August 15th (20:19)
Module 3_Section 1 - Pranayama #1 Sama Vrtti (31:35)
Module 3_Section 1 - Chant #1 Invocation to Patanjali
Module 3_Section 1 - Chant #2 SamGacchadvam
Module 3_Section 2 - Developing Relationship to Structure - Introduction to Leg Balances / Deep Front Line / Fascia
Module 3_Section 2 - Leg Balances Asana Template
Module 3_Section 2 - Introduction to Leg Balances Slide Deck
Module 3_Section 2 - Introduction to Leg Balances Lecture Video (31:20)
Module 3_Section 2 - The Deep Front Line Practice (34:33)
Module 3_Section 2 - The White Fuzz Speech with Gil
Module 3_Section 2 - Leg Balance Developmental Scribed Practice
Module 3_Section 2 - Leg Balance Developmental Practice (93:36)
Module 3_Section 2 - Leg Balance Scribed Asanas
Module 3_Section 2 - Leg Balance Asana Workshops (44:50)
Module 3_Section 3 - Developing Relationship to Structure - Introduction to Arm Balances
Module 3_Section 3 - Arm Balances Asana Template
Module 3_Section 3 - Introduction to Arm Balances Slide Deck
Module 3_Section 3 - Introduction to Arm Balances Lecture Video (16:27)
Module 3_Section 3 - Arm Balances Scribed Practice
Module 3_Section 3 - Arm Balances Practice (11:36) (32.59) (44:35)
Module 3_Section 4 - Developing Relationship to Structure - Introduction to SMART Sequencing and Adaptation
Module 3_Section 4 - SMART Sequencing Document
Module 3_Section 4 - SMART Sequencing Templates
Module 3_Section 4 - Introduction to SMART Sequencing Lecture #1 Slide Deck
Module 3_Section 4 - Introduction to SMART Sequencing Lecture #1 Video (12:50)
Module 3_Section 4 - Introduction to SMART Sequencing Lecture #2 Slide Deck
Module 3_Section 4 - Introduction to SMART Sequencing Lecture #2 Video (10:35)
Module 3_Section 4 - Introduction to SMART Sequencing Lecture #3 Slide Deck
Module 3_Section 4 - Introduction to SMART Sequencing Lecture #3 Video (22:26)
Module 3_Section 4 - Sequencing Workshop Printables - Leg Balance Natarajasana
Module 3_Section 4 - Sequencing Workshop Videos - Leg Balance Natarajasana (49:18)
Module 4 - Developing Relationship to Physiology - Integration / Adapting Movement for Essential Health
Module 4_Section 1 - Integration Check List
Module 4_Section 1 - Integration Quiz
Module 4_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras #3 Lecture Slide Deck PDF
Module 4_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras #3 Video Lecture (26:06)
Module 4_Section 1 - Live Session September 20 Yoga Sutras #3 Practice
Module 4_Section 1 - Introduction to Langhana Pranayama (25:01)
Module 4_Section 2 - Developing Relationship to Physiology - Adapting Asana for Different Effects
Module 4_Section 2 - Introduction to Adaptation Lecture #1 Slide Deck
Module 4_Section 2 - Introduction to Adaptation Lecture Video #1 (18:22)
Module 4_Section 2 - Introduction to Adaptation Lecture #2 Slide Deck
Module 4_Section 2 - Introduction to Adaptation Lecture Video #2 (21:30)
Module 4_Section 2- Adaptations Live Class #1
Module 4_Section 2 - Adaptations Live Class #2
Module 4_Section 2 - Krama Adaptations Lecture Slide Deck
Module 4_Section 2 - Krama Adaptations Lecture Video (14:27)
Module 4_Section 2 - Directional Flow and Krama Class PDF
Module 4_Section 2 - Directional Flow and Krama Video Class (60:16)
Module 4_Section 3 - Developing Relationship to Physiology - Adapting Movement for Breath Intro / Design a Practice for BHRMANA Effect
Module 4_ Section 3 - Principles of Human Energy #1 Slide Deck PDF
Module 4_Section 3 - Principles of Human Energy #1 Video Lecture (22:47)
Module 4_Section 3 - How to Design Your Asana Practice In Service of Your Pranayama Practice PDF
Module 4_Section 3 - Moderate Bhrmana Sequence PDF
Module 4_Section 3 - Moderate Bhrmana Class Video (56:01)
Module 4_Section 3 - Stronger, Longer Bhrmana Class with Pranayama PDF
Module 4_Section 3 - Shorter Bhrmana Class with 2331 Pranayama PDF
Module 4_Section 3 - Bhrmana Chair Class PDF
Module 4_Section 4 - Developing Relationship to Physiology / Adapting Movement for Breath / Langhana and Samana Practice Design
Module 4_Section 4 - Sweet Dreams Langhana Class PDF
Module 4_Section 4 - Sweet Dreams Langhana Class Video (72:25)
Module 4_Section 4 - Langhana Chair Class PDF
Module 4_Section 4 - Samana Standard Sequence PDF
Module 4_Section 4 - Another Standard Samana Class and Pranayama
Module 4_Section 4 - Samana Class for Focus, Balance and Peace Video (56:57)
Module 4_Section 3 - Samana Class Adapted - Integrated Practice NAMO PDF
Module 5_Section 1 - Developing Relationship to Physiology - Integration / Yoga Sutras
Module 5_Section 1 - Integration Checklist
Module 5_Section 1 - Integration Quiz
Module 5_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras #4 Slide Deck PDF
Module 5_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras #4 Video Lecture (52:26)
Module 5_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras #4 Live Session Class PDF
Module 5_Section 1 - Yoga Sutras #4 Live Session Class Video (58:57)
Module 5_Section 1 - Introduction to Bhrmana Pranayama Ratio Experience (21:16)
Module 5_Section 2 - Developing Relationship to Physiology / Threshold Breathing
Module 5_Section 2 - Introduction to Threshold Breathing Lecture Slide Deck
Module 5_Section 2 - Introduction to Threshold Breathing Lecture Video (23:31)
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Langhana Ratio Breathing Video (25:01)
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Langhana Ratio PDF
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Langhana Ratio Lecture Video (12:16)
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Bhrmana Ratio Practice Video (21:16)
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Bhrmana Ratio Lecture PDF
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Bhrmana Ratio Lecture Video (16:45)
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Samana Ratio Lecture PDF
Module 5_Section 2 - Pranayama Practice Only - Samana Ratio Lecture Video (12:16)
Module 5_Section 3 Developing Relationship to Physiology / Inversions / Pranayama Techniques
Module 5_Section 3 - Pranayama Techniques Summary Grid PDF
Module 5_Section 3 - Pranayama Techniques Intro PDF
Module 5_Section 3 - Pranayama Techniques Intro Video Lecture (21:17)
Module 5_Section 3 - Example Asana to Prepare for Nostril Techniques PDF
Module 5_Section 3 - Example Asana to Prepare for Nostril Techniques Video (43:05)
Module 5_Section 3 - Pranayama Technique Anuloma Ujayii or Alternate Nostril Exhale (19:18)
Module 5_Section 3 - Pranayama Techniques Viloma Ujayii or Alternate Nostril Inhale (8:45)
Module 5_Section 3 - Pranayama Techniques Nadi Shodhana (13:54)
Module 5_Section 4 Developing Relationship to Physiology / Pranayama Techniques
Module 5_Section 4 - Pranayama Techniques Pratiloma Ujjayi (18:28)
Module 5_Section 4 - Introduction to Inversions Presentation PDF
Module 5_Section 4 - Introduction to Inversions Presentation Video (15:09)
Module 5_Section 4 - Shoulderstand Practice PDF
Module 5_Section 4 - Shoulderstand Practice Class Video (50:42)
Live Class: Chair Class to Prepare for Bhrmana / Alternate Nostril Inhale Pranayama (51:02)
Module 6_Section 1 Integration / Accessing the Subtle Realm / Cakras / Inversions
Module 6_Section 1 - Integration Check List
Module 6_Section 1 - Integration Quiz
Module 6_Section 1 - Elements of Design for Cakra Practice
Module 6_Section 1 - Tracing the History of the Rainbow. Cakra Presentation #1 PDF
Module 6_Section 1 - Tracing the History of the Rainbow. Cakra Presentation 1 Lecture Video (39:16)
Module 6_Section 1 - Heart Cakra (4th) Intro to Practice PDF
Module 6_Section 1 - Heart Cakra (4th) Intro to Practice Video (54:00)
Module 6_Section 2 - Developing Relationship to the Subtle Body / Cakras
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Muladhara Cakra Symbol System Slide Deck
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Muladhara Cakra Symbol System Video Lecture (22:19)
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Muladhara Cakra Practices (18:08)
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Svadisthana Cakra Symbol System Slide Deck
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Svadisthana Cakra Symbol System Video Lecture (15:39)
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Svadisthana Cakra Practices (47:10)
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Manipura Cakra Symbol System Slide Deck
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Manipura Cakra Symbol System Video Lecture (16:41)
Module 6_Section 2 - An Exploration of Manipura Cakra Practices (26:19)
Module 6_Section 3 More on the Cakras / Developing Relationships to the Subtle Body
Module 6_Section 3 - An Exploration of Anahata Cakra Symbol System Slide Deck
Module 6_Section 3 - An Exploration of Anahata Cakra Symbol System Video Lecture (15:32)
Module 6_Section 3 - An Exploration of Anahata Cakra Practices (20:42)
Module 6_Section 3 - An Exploration of Visshudha/Ajna and Sahasrara Cakra Symbol System Slide Deck
Module 6_Section 3 - An Exploration of Visshudha/Ajna and Sahasrara Cakra Symbol System Video Lecture (12:24)
Module 6_Section 3 - An Exploration of Visshudha/Ajna and Sahasrara Practices (25:47)
Module 6_Section 4 - More on the Cakras / Developing Relationships to the Subtle Body
Module 6_Section 4 - Cakras as Depth Psychology Presentation PDF
Module 6_Section 4 - Cakras as Depth Psychology Video Lecture (23:04)
Module 6_Section 4 - The Hero's Journey: Cakras in Modern Storytelling PDF
Module 6_Section 4 - The Hero's Journey: Cakras in Modern Storytelling Video Lecture (21:44)
Module 7_Section 1 Integration and Therapeutics
Module 7_Section 1 - Integration Checklist
Module 7_Section 1 - Integration Quiz
Module 7_Section 2 - Teaching to Special Populations: Back Pain Therapeutics
Module 7_Section 2 - Back Pain Therapeutics Intro PDF #1
Module 7_Section 2 - Back Pain Therapeutics Intro Lecture Video (30:30)
Module 7_Section 2 - Back Pain Therapeutics PDF #2
Module 7_Section 2 - Back Pain Therapeutics #2 Lecture Video (19:16)
Module 9_Section 2 - Yoga Therapeutics for Back Health 10/28 Class PDF
Module 7_Section 2 - Yoga for Essential Back Health 10/28 Class and Asana Workshop Videos (70:51)
Module 7_Section 3 - Mental/Emotional Therapeutics
Yoga as Therapy: Anxiety
Module 7_Section 4 - Teaching To Special Populations: Seniors
Module 7_Section 4 - Teaching to Special Populations: Seniors PDF
Module 7_Section 4 - Teaching to Special Populations: Seniors Video Lecture (21:21)
Module 10_Section 1 - Review Requirements for Graduation
Module 5_Section 1 - Introduction to Bhrmana Pranayama Ratio Experience
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